path: root/archives.html
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-07-25using new include feature in default templates. Reorganised files accordinglyp4bl0
2010-07-24added meta information in the templatesp4bl0
2010-07-24modified footerp4bl0
2010-07-24implemented foreach:article template control, archives now workingp4bl0
2010-07-24added a default print stylesheetp4bl0
2010-07-24reorganized default templates markupp4bl0
2010-07-23replaced article title h2 by h1p4bl0
2010-07-23forgot article_title in the title of the archives templates, removed thatp4bl0
2010-07-23wrote archives list templatingp4bl0
2010-07-23in fact a Makefile makes no sens here, what I'll need is juste un build scrip...p4bl0